- USDA Approves of Sale of Lab Grown in The U.SIn November of 2022, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) deemed lab grown meat to be safe for consumption. This was from a company called Upside Foods. All that was left was for the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) to approve it. This is similar to how they approve things from farms. Well on June… Read more: USDA Approves of Sale of Lab Grown in The U.S
- Let’s Talk About The FDA Modernization Act 2.0In my previous post about Prop 12, I said I would talk about what I consider to be actually useful legislation. So I’m going to talk about the update to the FDA Modernization Act; or, the FDA Modernization Act 2.0. This happened back in December of 2022 but I still think it’s useful to look… Read more: Let’s Talk About The FDA Modernization Act 2.0
- Supreme Court Upholds Animal Welfare Law Prop 12Hello everyone. Today we’re going to talk about a recent decision by the Supreme Court, and what it means. The Supreme Court recently upheld a law known as Prop 12, in a 5-4 decision. Prop 12 is a law in California which requires pigs, hens, and calves to be given a few extra feet of… Read more: Supreme Court Upholds Animal Welfare Law Prop 12
- The Minimum Every Activist Can Do To HelpHello everyone, this is The Jungle blog. Today we’re going to talk about the minimum that every activist can do to help. When advocating for animals, or talking about injustices committed against them, a common response people say is, ‘humans first.’ For those who are actually involved in activism in other fields, I just want… Read more: The Minimum Every Activist Can Do To Help
- Explaining a Type of PrejudiceWe should always avoid calling something ‘the last acceptable prejudice.’ It can be a huge red flag about the cause you’re supporting; sometimes it isn’t, but it’s still a major error. By its very nature, unless a prejudice is on the verge of dying; if it’s ingrained in the culture, you can’t even be aware… Read more: Explaining a Type of Prejudice
- Let’s Talk About Answering a Survey Question About AnimalsHello everybody, this is The Jungle blog. So I was on YouTube one day, and there are these surveys YouTube Channels put out that have become very common. There was one that was asking, “Does Human Life outweigh Animal Life.” I had an issue with the phrasing of the question. Because I was tired, my… Read more: Let’s Talk About Answering a Survey Question About Animals
- Stop Comparing Political Causes To ReligionsLet’s say that you’re a person in the 1800’s in America who believes the enslavement of Africans is wrong because it’s wrong to enslave human beings. Others look at you and say, ‘That’s strange, don’t they have inferior mental faculties? They’re a different group. Why do you think blacks are more important than whites?’ Therefore… Read more: Stop Comparing Political Causes To Religions
- Singapore, Stem Cells, and MagnetsHello everybody, this is The Jungle blog, So in 2020, Singapore was the first country to approve the legal sale of stem cell meats. The company selling it is an American startup called Eat Just’s- and will open one of the largest plants to produce lab grown meat in Asia. They also sell egg and… Read more: Singapore, Stem Cells, and Magnets
- Animal Rights, Endgames, and Stem CellsHello everybody, this is The Jungle blog, Something I’ve noticed in The Animal Rights movement is that not a lot has been said about what our end goals are. A lot of focus is on maintaining groups from day to day; generalized boycotts against injustices like the meat industry, animal experiments, etc; and starting campaigns… Read more: Animal Rights, Endgames, and Stem Cells
- What Even Is The Point of Tolerance?Hello everyone, this is The Jungle blog. Over the years, I’ve asked myself many variations of the same question. If I don’t believe that people with different religious beliefs than myself are going to hell, and I’m also not anti-pleasure, and don’t believe in victimless crimes, then what is even the point of the concept… Read more: What Even Is The Point of Tolerance?
- Report: Dr. Oz Has Killed Over 300 Dogs For Animal ExperimentsHello, this is The Jungle blog. Today, I want to talk about something important. There’s a Senate race between John Fetterman, and Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania. Dr. Oz of course doesn’t live in Pennsylvania – he merely has property there, but he’s trying to put himself in charge anyways. A new report came out that… Read more: Report: Dr. Oz Has Killed Over 300 Dogs For Animal Experiments
- Greenfield ‘Responsible Bacon, Conscious Carnivores,’ and Carbon OffsetsHello everyone, this is The Jungle blog. I was on YouTube one day watching videos when I saw an ad that astounded me with how audacious its claims were. It was advertising ‘Responsible Bacon,’ which they claimed was good for the environment and was ‘carbon neutral.’ I knew better than to take the advertisements at… Read more: Greenfield ‘Responsible Bacon, Conscious Carnivores,’ and Carbon Offsets
- Alternatives to Animal ExperimentsAnimal Experiments cause a lot of suffering and are inefficient. Drug testing is notoriously slow, and can take up to a decade and cost up to three billion dollars. Toxicologists know information about poisons don’t transfer well between species, even similar species like chimps and humans. Information doesn’t come up in a way which is… Read more: Alternatives to Animal Experiments
- Being Strategic With The BuckIn a fight to improve society, no one is a hundred percent good or bad. Groups are made of individuals who are all fighting for their own agendas or areas of self interest. But it’s still necessary to find out who’s responsible for a particular evil, or bad conditions, and target them to fix the… Read more: Being Strategic With The Buck
- Let’s Talk About Ethics CommitteesThe experiments done on animals are painful no matter what part of the world you go to. But scientists from around the world are particularly shocked when they see the conditions and lack of basic precautions in The United States. But the conditions around the world are nothing to be proud of either. People outside… Read more: Let’s Talk About Ethics Committees
- Why Animal Experiments Aren’t a Necessary EvilMany people have a hard time condemning animal experiments because they believe it’s a necessary evil. They worry that research will stop for diseases that kill people and their children. So let’s talk about that today. If we’re talking about examples of experiments in the twentieth century- we may think of the experiments Henry Harlow… Read more: Why Animal Experiments Aren’t a Necessary Evil
- The Problem With Wool and How to Fix ItSheep have been selectively bred for thousands of years to produce as much wool as possible. Now sheep can grow a hundred pounds of wool on their bodies. If left alone they can die of heat stroke, their wool will become dirty, growing brown and green residue. Actually, sheep still grow brown and green residue… Read more: The Problem With Wool and How to Fix It
- The Case For Alternatives to LeatherArtificial leather which you see on so many items is made from plants. But there’s nothing artificial about them. It’s an alternate material made out of different ingredients, similar to cotton, polyester, or spandex. This material is not only cheaper, but better too. Real leather tends to age badly, causing it to flake and crack,… Read more: The Case For Alternatives to Leather
- Why Do People Become Vegans Instead of Vegetarians?People often say to me, “I understand why people become vegetarians, why do they become vegans?” A quick reminder, vegetarians are people who don’t eat meat, whereas vegans don’t eat meat OR animal products such as milk and eggs. This question is surprising to hear, as many people are okay with killing animals for meat,… Read more: Why Do People Become Vegans Instead of Vegetarians?
- Ammonia, Horrible Jobs, and FarmingPeople go to work on Factory Farms out of desperation. This includes meat packing plants, slaughter houses, and finally the row of thousands of cages, where animals are crammed into spaces so small they can’t even stretch their legs or turn around. The animals sleep in their own urine and feces. But even those who… Read more: Ammonia, Horrible Jobs, and Farming
- Factory FarmingIntro Throughout the last several hundred years, growth in the farming and agriculture business exploded. After that, during the nineteenth and mid twentieth centuries, the intensive methods we use nowadays were developed. It all culminated into a method that was more intensive than ever seen before. Before, only a portion of all farms used these… Read more: Factory Farming
- Why Killing Animals For Meat Is ImmoralThere are many things to discuss when talking about why animals should have rights. Additionally, when talking about killing animals for meat, people give a lot of responses about why it isn’t wrong, some of which the responses to could fill up entire articles by themselves. However, here I will go over the basic ideas… Read more: Why Killing Animals For Meat Is Immoral